The best things about Amazon Prime Canada for students and professionals

Trust me, I think both the offers for Amazon Prime for both students and professionals are really good deals, but as a student I can’t help but be pretty excited that this discount actually exists. I just think that it’s one of the best things, I just love it, because I’m a huge fan of Amazon Prime, and I’m really glad that I can afford to access it, without feeling like I am damaging my own finances too much, or that I’m being exploited or not fairly treated. Obviously, Amazon wants students to be engaging with its product, even if it means that it’s not making as much per customer. But comment like I was saying, Amazon seems to be a company that is always geared towards and thinking about the future, and that is not something that should be underestimated, in fact I don’t think Amazon gets enough credit for that, that they’re willing to invest heavily in the present and do it in a way that is more of an investment in their future, that is pretty amazing, that they can be a successful company that is fully geared towards making themselves more successful in the future. It’s a unique business  model.


So how much is Amazon Prime canada Cor students? It’s only well, it’s about half the price of the regular Amazon Prime service, which is already really reasonable. Basically, it is just over $6 a month to have Amazon Prime on a standard account, so, if you do the math, Amazon Prime for students ends up being about $3 a month. And the amount of savings that you can get for $3 a month is crazy. I mean, not only do you get yourself a Netflix alternative, but the amount of quick deliveries that can come your way with no shipping cost, is quite frankly amazing.

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