Coming Home

I will be coming home three months from now. I lived in Vancouver for almost three years because of work and I had only visited my town twice. I missed my parents already and my brothers who are still both in college. I missed my mother’s macaroni soup and my father’s constant tells on the NBA and some football news. I missed my brothers bickering and missed seeing them play in the backyard when they were young. Three years ago I was assigned to Vancouver to train some people from our deparmtnet and since then, my boss said he will promote me and give me a raise if I stayed there and helped the company grow in the area. And so I stayed and i really did not regret the offer. Now, my boss gave me one month of vacation to my hometown and I could not get any excited. I bought some gifts for my parents (two wood watch to be exact). I also bought my mother some shawls and my father a pair of boots. For my brothers, I bought them a basketball and some jerseys. I also bought some chocolates so they will have something to bring for their girlfriends. Anyway, I also plan to schedule some meet ups for my old friends who are still in town. I will be meeting Tin who is a supervisor in a local grocery store and Fina who is now a product manager of a pharmaceutical company. I am excited to meet them all and have my one month vacation in my home town.

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