What We Always Love To Do

As sisters, it is important that we always bond as a family. Though we have different interests, we always find time to talk and catch-up despite our busy schedules.

Here are the things we usually do as sisters:

Catch up over coffee

We love coffee! Coffee is our stress reliever. Sometimes, we also drink tea.

Go to party

We go to parties together, especially in college parties where we also catch up with friends. The last time was when we went to  Coal Harbour condos where my friends are residing at.

Go Shopping

What else do we do to bond than shopping? We try on each other’s clothes and give suggestions on what’s good on us.


The best things about Amazon Prime Canada for students and professionals

Trust me, I think both the offers for Amazon Prime for both students and professionals are really good deals, but as a student I can’t help but be pretty excited that this discount actually exists. I just think that it’s one of the best things, I just love it, because I’m a huge fan of Amazon Prime, and I’m really glad that I can afford to access it, without feeling like I am damaging my own finances too much, or that I’m being exploited or not fairly treated. Obviously, Amazon wants students to be engaging with its product, even if it means that it’s not making as much per customer. But comment like I was saying, Amazon seems to be a company that is always geared towards and thinking about the future, and that is not something that should be underestimated, in fact I don’t think Amazon gets enough credit for that, that they’re willing to invest heavily in the present and do it in a way that is more of an investment in their future, that is pretty amazing, that they can be a successful company that is fully geared towards making themselves more successful in the future. It’s a unique business  model.


So how much is Amazon Prime canada Cor students? It’s only well, it’s about half the price of the regular Amazon Prime service, which is already really reasonable. Basically, it is just over $6 a month to have Amazon Prime on a standard account, so, if you do the math, Amazon Prime for students ends up being about $3 a month. And the amount of savings that you can get for $3 a month is crazy. I mean, not only do you get yourself a Netflix alternative, but the amount of quick deliveries that can come your way with no shipping cost, is quite frankly amazing.

Meet Fenina

Fenina is still in college. She plans to pursue television reporting some day when she graduates two years from now. She loves watching shows of Oprah Winfrey as well as Ellen DeGeneres.

She is the president of the mass communications society that she founded three years ago with her batchmates. She is also into musical instruments. She currently plays the piano and the guitar.

The practice of photography

But, many people thought it would never happen with photography, it would have seemed to unimaginable not that long ago. But now, someone like me, who is just a mobile user, is creating images with their phone that are so nice that people are using them as stock photographs. Stock photography is such an interesting thing, and often, I have found, that an actual captivating image of slightly lesser quality will actually do better than a more standard, boring, cliche image of a slightly higher image quality. It’s the thing that people are so used to being bored and unimpressed by their stock photography choices that they will actually choose something of a lower resolution if it means that they get to have an image that is actually interesting and actually does their web content Justice. Not to mention, photography is such an interesting practice, because it is totally changing all the time, even though it has been the same basic idea and it’s actually existed, like forever. Seriously, I think that this is the most interesting thing about photography. That something that is such a basic concept has managed to evolve and take so many forms. Now, by using filters and apps like this, you’re actually able to approach Photography in a way that no generation has ever been able to, and a lot of people take full advantage of that. While it’s true that not everybody does, and that a lot of people just end up over filtering and taking basic selfies of themselves, using the technology but not exactly utilizing its more useful functions in ways that are anything but trivial. However, that’s not for us to be a snob about, now is it?

Meet Maria

Maria is a real estate marketing officer. She is outgoing and is very friendly. She studies Mass Communications and has interests in public relations and marketing. She loves partying with her friends but she never neglect time for her family.

She also has three cats named Fiona, Meet, and Bunny.

She is currently in a relationship Mark, her high school sweetheart. They have been together for 8 years already.

Commuting Dilemma

Three years ago, I had this huge dilemma. My friends and family know that I am a little lazy person. I am not a morning person so I am always late for work. Aside from the fact that I am late, my tardiness is even more worsen because of a road reblocking back then. I had to deal with the traffic, and consume time without being too productive.

My work mate Elissa is far different from me. She lives two miles aways but she is never late for work. When i asked her her secret, aside from the fact that she wakes up really early, is the way she uses transportation in her advantage.

She is using this elektrische scooter from Unu Motors. In the parking lot, she has this grey electric scooter which looked so chic and cool and secretly envied her. It also comes with a helmet. Elissa is a towering woman but she does not worry on her height and weight that might go against the electric moter. In fact, electric motors from Unu Motors adapt to almost everyone.

Aside from that, I loved that she can contribute to Mother Earth by using a vehicles which do not emit any harmful chemicals that gives danger to the air we breathe.

After our talk, she said she will refer me to a friend who is with Unu Motors so I can buy my own.